Rigger (Local Transfer with NOC)

Engineering , Rigger Foreman / Supervisor

Job Id :100049366


¨  Assembles and installs rigging gear, such as cables, ropes, pulleys and winches, to lift, lower, move and position equipment, structural steel and other heavy objects.
¨  Shall understand and follow safe rigging procedures
¨  Perform pulley and block attaching a activities
¨  Assemble and dismantle rigging equipment at the end of each shift
¨  Ensure compliance to safe rigging practices at every step of the rigging process
¨  Perform cleanliness and maintenance duties on rigging equipment and tools
¨  Registration or licensing  required as specified by client
¨  Shall be aware of hazards and risks associated with rigging and lifting
¨  Shall be able understand and speak basic English
¨  Good understating of lifting tools is required
¨   Shall be familiar with safe lifting / rigging procedures

Basic Details

salary : 1000-2000 QR

Experience : 0-2 Years

Location : Doha

Qualification :

Posted :

Job Type : Full-Time

Company : Qatar Jobs

Contact Info

Mobile : Not-Mentioned

Alternate Mobile : Not-Mentioned

Email : hr.oilandgasq@gmail.com

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